Girl Doing Dangerous Thing

By on 02:17
Your heart has been torn out and you feel empty but all you can think about is how to get your girl back. How can you convince your girlfriend or wife to come back to you when you really think that this might be the end. After all, she is showing no signs of weakening and everything that you do is met with resistance or worse. No matter what you say she only seems to be drifting further away from you.

The good news is that every day couples do get back together. Some overcome the most unbelievable obstacles and manage to fall back in love in spite of some of the worst breakups imaginable. Chances are your situation is not so unique and even if it is horrible you should keep in mind that we are talking about women here and women have been known to change their minds... but only if you know how to help her change it and how to keep from pushing the buttons that are going to send her running for the hills.

While most guys think that they're doing the right things to try to get their wife or girlfriend back the truth is often the opposite. You might not be able to see it but in your emotionally charged state you might lack the ability to think logically. You might think that you're doing the right things to bring her back but in reality you are placing your relationship in grave danger.

Begging and Pleading - You might think that begging her and pleading with her to come back to you will work. After all, you are being truthful and honest and are telling her what lies in your heart. You might actually even feel real physical pain from your breakup and the aching in your chest is quite real. You might have even heard that women appreciate honesty and while this is true you are going to have to be a little bit deceitful while you are going through the process of getting her back.

Begging and pleading for a second chance only makes you appear weak and needy which is very unattractive to women. Being upset and tearful might get some sympathy from most women but it probably isn't going to make her change her mind about the breakup and come back to you. Even if she does come back to you because she feels bad it probably won't be long lived. Historically, couples that reunite because one partner feels bad about the breakup don't last more than what can be measured in days or weeks before they change their mind and breakup once again. Besides, do you really want her to come back to you because she feels sorry for you? Before you say yes, read what is written above. This isn't a long term strategy to get her back buddy.

Talking - While most counselors and therapist suggest talking things out to fix a broken relationship, talking is pretty much useless if your girlfriend or wife simply isn't interested in the topic... that is, the possibility of getting back together. Any attempts to talk things out or discuss the breakup or the possibility of getting back together again are futile pursuits and will only drive your wife or girlfriend further away from you. After all, who wants to talk about problems? And who wants to talk about a problem that she considers resolved with the breakup?

Talking does have its place and that is only after she expresses some interest in getting back together or once some sort of rudimentary relationship is rebuilt between you and her. Even then, what you talk about and how you talk about it can still spell either success or failure for you and your relationship with your wife or girlfriend. Playing the blame game and wanting to win and argument will only leave you lonely.

OMG Girl Doing Dangerous Thing - Boys Must Must... by Usman_Arshad_6

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