Unlucky Girl

By on 01:48
I'm sure you've felt infuriated a few times before when one of your girl friends hooked up with some guy that you knew was a total jerk. If that wasn't bad enough, she seemed to tolerate every single bad quality that the guy had. And when you thought the worst was over when their relationship ended, you couldn't believe it when you heard your girl friend was trying to get back together with him!

Some women seem to be like magnets to the worst types of boyfriends out there. They go through one bad relationship after another, no matter how abusive, immature, or downright evil their boyfriends are.

Now, if this sort of thing happens to you, then this article's for you. Otherwise, do your unlucky girl friend a favor and help her out with her relationships.

Basically, women who fall into the "bad-boyfriend" trap have a few bad qualities of their own. Here are a few bad traits you need to tell your girl friend about - and maybe remind yourself of, too, especially if you're having your share of jerks in your love life.

Bad Trait #1: Thinking that you can change your bad boyfriend

Some women unconsciously think that they can change some of their boyfriends' bad traits when they enter a relationship with them. The reasons vary, but it seems to boil down to a simple addiction to bad boys. And whenever these bad boys begin to act up, their instincts kick in and try to fix any bad behavior.

Put bluntly, you can't change your boyfriend by pointing out his shortcomings. All this does is paste an unsavory image of you in his mind, and the last thing he'll want to do is to stay in a relationship with you.

Bad Trait #2: Not realizing that you actually attract and get involved with the bad kinds of men

Some women in the "bad-boyfriend" trap deny that there's anything wrong with them, when in fact they keep meeting and getting involved with these types of men by choice. And instead of avoiding such relationships, these women actually foster the relationship and get even more deeply involved!

So when they complain to you, "Why does this thing always happen to me?", you can then go ahead and say, "Well, duh."

Remember when you find yourself trying to "fix" a particularly bad boyfriend, it's a bad sign for the rest of the relationship. One, it doesn't work. Two, he doesn't need a mother, teacher, or a shrink figure telling him what's wrong with him - this only makes it worse. Besides, even if it did work, he'll end up with a mother, teacher, or a shrink - and not a girlfriend, like you're supposed to be.

So do yourself a favor and don't try to find boys to fix. It simply doesn't work that way. If you'd like to end up eventually with a good man, try to fix yourself first. Remember that the better men out there would like relationships with women who are great lovers. They're not out there looking for someone to help them with their problems.

Girls Bad Luck by BlogOfPakistan
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1395753