Pakistani Female student doing bad things in UK

By on 06:42
I have nothing against women leaders, but there appears to be a trend that exists among them all. We will take a look into the past and see what a woman in power has done. I will only focus on the 20th century to present (that's from 1900 - present for all of the brain challenged people out there), not that Nefertiti and Cleopatra are any less important, but not here.

We will take a stroll back in time starting from the 1960's where the first modern woman came to power. I am only going to talk about Presidents and Prime Ministers, those people who were elected and voted in. It gets into a whole new can of worms if we start talking about people like Imelda Marcos.


We are starting in 1966 with Indira Gandhi. She ruled India from 1966 to 1977 and 1980 to 1984. Some Indians called her the "Respected Mother", while others called her "Dumb Doll". There were several agreements made during those early years. One was with Pakistan and the other was with Russia. This led to the youngest nation to have successfully detonated a nuclear bomb.

Things started looking good for Mrs. Gandhi and the country was moving forward. She was trying to feed the poor and keep things stable in India. Then the ugly old saying starts creeping in, "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Things started taking a turn for the worse.

Being accused of leaning towards authoritarianism the first order of business was changing the Constitution. In 1975 the high court ruled her election invalid and she was removed from Parliament. She appealed, of course, and this caused large rallies and strikes from people who wanted her out. So what does she do?

STATE OF EMERGENCY from 1975 to 1977 which led to the arrest of her opposition leaders. Within a few months the entire country was under direct dictatorial rule from Delhi. During the 19 months of total rule the government arrested and tortured thousands and forcibly removed ghetto people from their homes. On rumors of a coup from the air force she was forced to hold elections in 1977 that she lost.

She was later arrested on charges that would not hold up in court. This gave her sympathy from people who thought of her as a tyrant. Things never really got back in order and this ended with her assassination in 1984 by two of her body guards.


Next we move on to 1969 with Mrs. Mier where she served as prime minister of Israel from 1969 to 1974. She came out of retirement to take the job after the sudden death of Levi Eshkol. She started meeting with world leaders to promote peace for Israel and eventually agreed to withdraw to "secure and recognized boundaries".

After the tragedy of the 1972 Olympics she sent the Mossad to kill the guys who took part in the massacre. You may remember the movie "Munich" which is loosely based on those events.

پاکستانی لڑکیوں کے انگلینڈ میں برے حا لات by Bahria-Town

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