You may be looking to start taking dance classes because you've seen the incredible legs that professional dancers bare. Dancers have amazing bodies because they are tremendous athletes who use their entire body weight as muscular resistance. If you're looking for a dancer's body, you're probably wondering which dance class will give you the best results. We'll compare and contrast the various styles and determine which will work best for you and your body.
When you look at most ballerinas, you'll find many of them (especially in years past - a little less so now) to be incredibly thin. This is not due to ballet itself but to the lifestyle of ballerinas. Ballerinas are raised to be as thin as possibly - this is both a leftover aesthetic characteristic from long ago but is also a desired trait since ballerinas are carried by males in performances. I found that lifestyle to be completely unhealthy. You don't eat as much food as your athletic body needs so it starts eating away at your muscles (which is why these amazing dancers have little muscles).
If and when you do encounter a ballerina with muscles, it becomes undeniable that ballet works your legs, butt, and calves. Neve Campbell is a great example: as a former and continuing ballerina who (at least currently) eats, her legs have become these perfectly-shaped things.
Ballet involves high kicks, which will also work the lower abdomen (a tough area to otherwise tone).
Hip-hop also involves using your entire body, but there is less high-impact work involves (meaning it'll be a little nicer on your knees). Hip-hop combines more incorporation of squat-like movements, which means that your quads and butt will benefit (but it is likely that your calves will see little change). Hip-hop is great for your abs and shoulder muscles as well.
Jazz dance is a lot like ballet in that it involves your legs, butt, and calves above all. You will also see a big change in your lower abs. Unlike ballet, you do not remain as rigid in your upper body, typically, and you will therefore work your back (upper and lower). Like hip-hop, you will add your arms as well during your dance class. Jazz really is the best of all worlds.
Couples Dancing
Couples dancing works your legs above all. All ballroom and Salsa dancers have the most amazing legs you might ever see. There is quite a bit of slight squatting involved in your dance movements, so your butt will obviously improve. Couples dancing doesn't work your arms in the same way as jazz and hip-hop, although with constant exercise and conditioning the overall amount of fat in your body will gradually disappear - even without working your arms specifically.
Tap Dancing
Tap dancing, as it is a great cardiovascular exercise, will definitely make your entire body leaner. Tap dancing, above all, works your quadriceps, calves, and butt. Tap dancing doesn't work your muscles in quite the same way as other styles of dance, so you may not notice them shaping up in the same way as you would with couples dancing, for example.
All styles of dancing work your legs - there is no doubt about that. Any style of dancing that involves squatting, leaping, or kicking will also work your buttocks. Dance that involves the core (such as jazz) will work your abs and back while a high-energy dance class will likely work your arms more than others.
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When you look at most ballerinas, you'll find many of them (especially in years past - a little less so now) to be incredibly thin. This is not due to ballet itself but to the lifestyle of ballerinas. Ballerinas are raised to be as thin as possibly - this is both a leftover aesthetic characteristic from long ago but is also a desired trait since ballerinas are carried by males in performances. I found that lifestyle to be completely unhealthy. You don't eat as much food as your athletic body needs so it starts eating away at your muscles (which is why these amazing dancers have little muscles).
If and when you do encounter a ballerina with muscles, it becomes undeniable that ballet works your legs, butt, and calves. Neve Campbell is a great example: as a former and continuing ballerina who (at least currently) eats, her legs have become these perfectly-shaped things.
Ballet involves high kicks, which will also work the lower abdomen (a tough area to otherwise tone).
Hip-hop also involves using your entire body, but there is less high-impact work involves (meaning it'll be a little nicer on your knees). Hip-hop combines more incorporation of squat-like movements, which means that your quads and butt will benefit (but it is likely that your calves will see little change). Hip-hop is great for your abs and shoulder muscles as well.
Jazz dance is a lot like ballet in that it involves your legs, butt, and calves above all. You will also see a big change in your lower abs. Unlike ballet, you do not remain as rigid in your upper body, typically, and you will therefore work your back (upper and lower). Like hip-hop, you will add your arms as well during your dance class. Jazz really is the best of all worlds.
Couples Dancing
Couples dancing works your legs above all. All ballroom and Salsa dancers have the most amazing legs you might ever see. There is quite a bit of slight squatting involved in your dance movements, so your butt will obviously improve. Couples dancing doesn't work your arms in the same way as jazz and hip-hop, although with constant exercise and conditioning the overall amount of fat in your body will gradually disappear - even without working your arms specifically.
Tap Dancing
Tap dancing, as it is a great cardiovascular exercise, will definitely make your entire body leaner. Tap dancing, above all, works your quadriceps, calves, and butt. Tap dancing doesn't work your muscles in quite the same way as other styles of dance, so you may not notice them shaping up in the same way as you would with couples dancing, for example.
All styles of dancing work your legs - there is no doubt about that. Any style of dancing that involves squatting, leaping, or kicking will also work your buttocks. Dance that involves the core (such as jazz) will work your abs and back while a high-energy dance class will likely work your arms more than others.
Click to see an amazing dancing car by arynews
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