London: A 22 years young boy in London performed incredible act with King Cobra and stunned the audience sitting in the hall. Would you imagine kissing cobras, snakes or any other dangerous reptiles? Surely, you would never do in your entire live but the Korean boy took the risk of kissing King Cobra.
An American camera man took flight of London Airline to cover the incredible performance of young boy and gave special audio effects to his video. No one has ever performed such kind of incredible act publicly and he won the hearts of millions of people worldwide through his mind blowing performanc
The Korean boy announced that he was going to kiss King Cobra in front of public and there won’t be any drama involved in it. Once the audience arrived at auditorium hall of London City, he opened the mouth of big bag to free the most dangerous reptile on earth. The reptile immediately came out to round circled arena.
The boy sat in front of King Cobra trying to kiss it but he was attacked twice. The boy cleverly avoided the attack of the cobra and kept trying kissing it. After few minutes he came in front of the dangerous reptile looking into the eyes. He mesmerized the cobra through his eyes and then he kissed it without getting hurt.
There was pin drop silence in the auditorium hall when he kissed the cobra and public stunned to see the courage of young Korean boy. He received immense appreciation from audience as he mesmerized them for five minutes or so. There was no drama involved in this incredible performance and it was nothing else but reality.
People visit United Kingdom to see beautiful buildings, River Thames, trains in London, superb restaurants in London proving great food and come to study in renowned universities of the city. This time so many people visit the city just to witness the incredible performance of young boy and they really enjoyed their trip of London City.
The Korean boy announced about his performance few days ago to public and he came into the headlines of international media. American camera man along with news reporters flew all the way from America to United Kingdom to cover his performance as he was taking life risk.
British people participated in the show in large numbers as these kinds of acts fascinate them a lot. The young boy freed the King Cobra from bag and threw the reptile on the flour. It was round circled arena where he freed the cobra and he entered into it as well. There was pin drop silence in the hall when he was trying to kiss the reptile.
In the beginning, the King Cobra attacked on the boy which he cleverly avoided and did not give any chance to cobra to bite him. After few minutes, he came right in front of the reptile looking into eyes and then kissed it successfully. He mesmerized the audience in the hall of London City through his amazing performance and got the deserved fame among public.The poison apparatus of venomous snakes comprehends with a pair of poison glands, their ducts and a pair of fangs. the poison glands are positioned on or either side of upper jaw. the skull and jaw bones of cobras are very flexible and are loosely articulated for swallowing or striking, fangs are permanently erect serving two main purposes first is erection of fangs and second is injection of poison into the victim's body.
The cobras venom is an aid to capture and subdue prey. it is clear sticky or faint yellow liquid that is tasteless, odorless and acidic in reaction which is a mixture of enzymes and specific toxins and is a good digestive juice and fatal only when mixed with blood. it is soluble in water, salt solution or glycerine. venom of cobra is virulent. it is a neurotoxin that attacks the nerve centers and causes paralysis of muscles, especially of respiratory muscles. The symptoms include piercing pain and burning sensation ending in numbness of bitten part that turns black or blue. Person suffers from giddiness, drooping of saliva and eyelids, weakness in legs, high pulse rate, speechlessness, contraction of pupils, vomiting and labored breathing. Death results within few hours due to failure of respiration or of heart activity. the best cure for cobra bite is antivenin which is injected in the body of the victim. The first aid treatment of cobra bite is avoidance of psychological fear and use of torniquet tied tightly around the bitten area that delays circulation of poison in the body. Wound should be cleaned with clean water and cooled with ice to slow down the blood circulation and spread of poison. A doctor must be consulted as soon as possible and antivenin should be provided.
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Exclusive Video of Man Kissing King Cobra by entertainmenthub4u