Water Injection BMW M4 MotoGP Safety Car

By on 02:08
Over the past few months, you may have heard on the news or Internet how people are using plain water to power their car. It's an amazing story, especially with $5/gallon gas in the US, and $10/gallon gas in Europe, but it it true?

In fact, basic water fuel technology does work and have been around since World War II, when it was used in tanks and fighter plane engines. These simple water injection systems helped to increase gas mileage and cool engine temperatures under harsh conditions.

Hydrogen Fuel Cars were developed in the 1960s, but only became popular in the past few years since they require special fuel that's expensive and not readily available. These vehicles can cost as much as $100,000, like the BMW H7 or the Audi A2H2. Most manufacturers aren't even selling Hydrogen Cars yet since the science is still not perfect and there are few Hydrogen Gas Stations in operation.

Japanese scientists have also been working on a car that converts water to electricity, which drives the power train. This is expected to be available in North America and Europe, but not for several years.

However, a completely new technology was recently developed that combines water molecules with electricity and gasoline, creating 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen. This generates a gas known as HHO, which is both extremely clean burning, and very safe for use. Most of the reputable water fuel advocates recommend the HHO method since it's universal, and works on all vehicles.

Professionally installed HHO systems can cost as much as $2,500, and HHO conversion kits start at $500. However, the parts to make an effective HHO system yourself can be had for less than $150, and they are actually very easy to install. The best Water Fuel kits give you full instructions, a detailed parts list, and easy illustrated diagrams. You don't need a lot of mechanical ability to do this.

HHO technology works for 98% of all cars, trucks, motorcycles, and SUV s. It's easy, inexpensive, and you'll save between 10% and 40% on your gas bill. Your car will run cleaner, helping to save the environment and increase mileage. And the best part is, HHO systems will not affect your warranty or harm your car in any way.

As gas prices keep going up, it makes sense to look into anything that can increase your mileage and save you cash, especially a proven technology that really works.

Water Injection BMW M4 MotoGP Safety Car by AutoMotoTV

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1294050